We provide a wide range of services and clinics for patients at our practice.
You can find out more by clicking on the links.
We provide a wide range of services and clinics for patients at our practice.
You can find out more by clicking on the links.
Please visit the sections below to find useful resources about cancer screening and symptoms.
See a GP by video with LIVI Available Monday to Friday 7am-10pm, Saturdays 9am- 5pm. Patients of Kingswood Medical Group (Carfax Surgery & Kingswood Surgery) can now see an NHS...
Need a Saturday appointment? Some appointments now available When & where? – 9am-1pm at Carfax Medical Centre, Swindon, SN1 2DQ What types of appointments? Routine GP appointments Routine Advance Practitioner...
At Kingswood Medical Group (Kingswood Surgery and Carfax Medical Centre), we understand that when you or a loved one is unwell, it may not always seem clear which health service...
Menopause If you are not currently using HRT and would like an appointment to discuss your menopause and/or HRT then please follow this link to complete the questionnaire in Medical...
For appointments please call: Kingswood Surgery patients 01793 534699 Carfax Medical Centre patients 01793 541655 For appointments on Saturday follow this link You can make an appointment between 8.00am –...
There are now 2 ways of ordering your repeat prescription. You can download the NHS app which is the easiest way to order your repeat prescription. Find out more you...
Systmonline Kingswood Medical Group also uses a dedicated system called SystmOnline to manage patient healthcare services. By using this secure website you can: Book appointments. Order repeat prescriptions. Update your...
You do not require a doctor’s sickness certificate for any illness lasting seven days or less. Your employer may however require you to complete a self-certification form (SC2) which is...
Please allow 3 working days and call after 11.00am for the results of tests. Please call: Kingswood Surgery patients: 01793 534699 Carfax Medical Centre patients 01793 541655 Depending on the...
There is plenty of information to help you manage your health on the NHS website. These buttons will take you to different sections of NHS and you can look up...
The NHS provides most healthcare and healthcare services free of charge to UK residents, but there are some exceptions. GPs themselves have to cover operational & running costs- buildings, equipment,...
Kingswood Medical Group runs the following clinics and services:
Date published: 28th August, 2014
Date last updated: 29th September, 2023