Kingswood Surgery

Carfax Medical Centre


Kingswood Medical Group runs the following clinics and services:


To see that your children are growing and developing normally, a planned programme of health checks is provided by the Health Visitors and doctors for children up to 5 years...

Flu vaccination clinic

You are entitled to a free flu vaccination to protect you from the flu viruses around this winter if you fall into these groups: Over 65 years old Have a...

General clinics and services

Kingswood Medical Group runs the following clinics and services: Asthma clinic Diabetes clinic Minor surgery treatments, including the removal of some cysts, ingrown toe nails, and the injection of painful...

Non NHS services and private patients

Some of the services which we offer are not covered by the National Health Service so you will be asked to pay a fee for these in advance. A list...


If you wish you may see us on your own. Remember you can talk over anything with the practice nurse, health visitor or doctor which you can be sure they...

Travel clinic

If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel you need to make an appointment with the practice nurse to discuss your travel arrangements.  This will include which countries and...

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 29th September, 2023