In response to the current coronavirus pandemic, GP Practices across the UK have changed how they deliver care to their patients. The following message is long, but very important.
Even if you feel well. Please do not attend the practice unless you have been given instructions by the team on when, and how, to arrive at the practice safely. Following advice from the UK Government, to move to the delay phase, all practices will move care to remote means where possible. You will receive a phonecall from the practice, instead of being seen face to face. You can submit an electronic request for care to the practice using the online consultation service – Doctorlink. Using the online service will keep the phone lines free for those who are not able. Simply follow the links on the practice website. We will also temporarily accept prescription requests using this service if you do not have a login for online patient access.
Do you have a fever or a cough? If so you must self-isolate at home for 7 days, to slow the spread of the virus. If you are still unwell after 7 days, or you feel unable to cope with the symptoms at home, you must contact the 1 1 1 Coronavirus service. Please use the online tool where possible, www.1 1, or call 1 1 1.
If you are calling for another reason please ensure you visit the website first to find self-care advice. This will help keep our doctors and nurses available to help the sickest people in our community. Provided you do not have symptoms of the coronavirus you can also access high quality advice at your local community pharmacy.