We believe that patients should be involved as much as they want to be in every decision about their care: what care they want and how and where they want it delivered. This will mean patients and service users and health and care professionals genuinely making decisions in partnership.
The NHS Constitution
States that patients have the right to be involved locally in their care. Kingswood Medical Group need members for our PPG.
Want to get involved?
Would you like to have a say about the services we provide? Would you like to join the Patient Participation Group? (PPG) Kingswood Medical Group staff would like to hear from you. The practice welcomes applications from all patients and aims to have a group that truly represents the practice population.
The PPG is made up of volunteers who give their time to work alongside the practice to help and represent the patients. Members can choose to be part of an email only consultation group (virtual member) and/or attend quarterly meetings on-line or in person. Questions/Queries might be about;
- The Services we provide
- Setting our priorities for the future
- Helping to agree questions about wider patient surveys
The group operates on a number of levels;
The PPG help represent patient interests in to the health service and the surgery with attendance at various meetings aimed at change within the health service. The meetings are a forum to discuss and progress items raised in your practice survey responses.
To join you can write to the Practice Manager Camille Hilton-Hardy at the practice email address bswicb.kmgpracticemanager@nhs.net