Kingswood Surgery

Carfax Medical Centre

Information for patients

New cancer diagnosis

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Caring for you at this difficult time, this letter provides you and your family with information of support from the practice and links you may find helpful,

We are sorry to hear of your cancer diagnosis we hope this is a suitable time to contact you to offer some support.

As your practice, we are here to support you.  As part of this support, we offer a Cancer Care Review (CCR).  This involves one of our Personalised Care Team, who will call you, around 10 weeks after your diagnosis, to talk about what we can offer within the practice and help direct you to any further help as needed.

As part of the Cancer Care Review (CCR), the Personalised Care Team will also contact you around 11 months after diagnosis, to see how you are getting on and what further support you may require from the practice. We do this as we know that the support needs can change over time.

We understand that you will have received a lot of information, at a very difficult time. Therefore, if you are not feeling ready to discuss your diagnosis with the Personalised Care Team, just yet please call the practice or ask a family member or friend to call on your behalf to let us know.

We also work with Swindon Carers, which can provide support to any unpaid person, who helps to support you.  An unpaid person (carer) can be a relative, friend or neighbour.  Swindon Carers offer a wealth of advice and support, and it is easy to register online:

If you, a relative or friend have access to the Internet and need support, below is some useful information and links to support you all.

To assist, we have also included information about some cancer support charities, including Macmillan, with their telephone number, which may be able to further support you.

Should you require this information in a different format or language, or you do not have access to the Internet, please contact the practice (01793) 534699 or 541655 and ask for the Personalised Care Team and we will do our best to assist you.

We wish you well and are here as a practice to support you in whatever way we can.

The Personalised Care Team

Kingswood Medical Group

Below are some of the sources of information and support

Macmillan, the cancer support charity

Macmillan’s Support line is open 8am-8pm 7 days a week for general information, emotional or financial support. Call 0808 808 00 00 or visit to find out more, including information about cancer and coronavirus, and the opportunity to join our online community where you can connect with other people affected by cancer.

Provision of information about cancer support services available in primary care

Macmillan Personalised Care | Great Western Hospital (

Patient leaflets (PDF)

Swindon Cancer Partnership Group

Look Good Feel Better Swindon (NHS)

Affected by Cancer website

Swindon Borough Council cancer support resources


Date published: 15th November, 2023
Date last updated: 15th December, 2023